
 For a nominal fee, kick-start or accelerate your personal growth in my fast-paced, fun-centered telephone classes.  Each class focuses on a specific objective or outcome.  You’ll learn at least one tool you can use right away. 

For example, in the class on “The Power of Affirmations”,  I’ll share with you a simple, powerful method for creating clear and useful affirmations for almost any area of your life.  In a teleclass on “Creative Imagination”, you’ll tap into your power to co-create your realty by using the unlimited abilities of your imagination. 

Just like you, each class is unique.  Some classes will be one session of 90 minutes.  Another may be three one-hour sessions that meet weekly.  All classes will present you with the opportunity to become more aware of your personal blocks, and how your history effects who you are along with introducing you to some tools and techniques you can use for your personal growth, success and transformation. 

Intrigued?  Find out about upcoming teleclasses by clicking here. Hope to “see” you soon in one of my classes.